
16 Fast Facts & Stats About Customer Experience & Mobile

By The CX App
customer experience mobile app

March 16th recognizes National Freedom of Information Day honoring James Madison's birthday, known as the “Father of the Constitution” and a champion of openness in government. Individual rights and freedom of information were of high importance to Madison.

The more you know, the better informed you are. And the more informed you are the better business decisions you can make. Customer experience is a leaving breathing entity. It consists in and of itself, but is also enmeshed by everything around us. 

In business, for events, meetings, and other customer facing touchpoints, how you craft the experiences when they are on-site, in-person, and everywhere in between should be carefully managed. With so much information readily available on the internet, customers need to have an autonomous customer journey that guides them through how, when, and what they can do when interfacing with your company. 

Mobile is the predominant channel that can support this level of constant engagement with customers 

  • It's on-demand
  • It's always-on
  • It's easily consumable
  • It's easily accessible

In the spirit of information, here are the most powerful facts around customer experience and mobile for you to think on.

mobile app customer experience

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