
Customer Engagement Walls... Build It In!

By The CX App
customer engagement walls

The overall event, meeting, or briefing experience affects all the senses. What customers think, see, feel, and maybe even smell affects their overall satisfaction. Do you have the good coffee brewing? Is their fresh flowers at the reception? Whatever your 'little touches' may be... are you thinking of the 'big touches'? 

Inherently, all 'places' have walls. Most walls have paintings, architecture or installations. But do your walls incorporate a digital, social, relevant component as part of your hardscaping facade?

Customer experience walls are a fun way to incorporate social feeds, fun hashtags, news, promos, and even integrated smart experiences in a large format to excite and delight your 'customers'.

On-site customer journeys are being elevated to include mobile-first, digital touchpoints that make the overall experience more immersive and memorable. It's all about interactive, white-glove moments that leave a lasting impression. Of course your product matters too, but customers want to do business with companies that can deliver on experience and product.

Social feeds are just one way to grab your customer's attention through a digital installation. It's real-time, fun, and often informational and easy to incorporate. There are of course other kinds of content you can stream too such as stock information, news, downloadable presentations, videos, and other company-relevant stories. 

Here's a look at the power of social for customer experience

customer experience walls

Tags: CX, Digital Signage, Infographic, Social

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